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The 21st C-HPP Symposium in Saint-Malo, France (May 12-14, 2019)
19-04-22 09:36
Hit : 7,915
   flyer_c-hpp_saint-malo.pdf (8.7M) [9] DATE : 2019-04-22 09:36:55
   21st_C-HPP__Workshop,_St_Malo_program_abstracts_0.pdf (3.9M) [13] DATE : 2019-04-22 09:41:31
   https://c-hpp.univ-rennes1.fr/#onepageblocwelcomepage [4636]
The 21st C-HPP Symposium is held in Saint-Malo, France, May 12-14, 2019.
Please check the official website: https://c-hpp.univ-rennes1.fr/#onepageblocwelcomepage

Focused on “Illuminating the Dark Proteome”, the symposium will be an important milestone for the uPE1 project and will include speakers from the B/D-HPP discussing the functionalization of the dark proteome.